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How to speak better with Linnita Hosten

From workshops to retreats, reimagine team communication, turning every interaction

into an opportunity for leadership and collaborative success.

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As individuals, leaders, and executives leverage the power of their communicative influence, the workplace transforms with inclusion and energy.

Ideas flourish, innovation ignites, and impact unfolds. Cultures shift.
Subsequently, companies attract more clients and achieve heightened performance.

Teamwork deepens. Professional and personal confidence increases.

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Linnita Hosten Presentation Skills Training

Hey!! I’m Linnita.

I’ve lived the truth that communication can shift careers, boost confidence, transform cultures, and touch every aspect of our lives.
But I wasn’t born the woman who could command a room – I had to become her. I had to build the skillset to create success, so I did.
I tapped into the power of my voice, learning to articulate my skills and ideas in a way that opened doors and significantly amplified my income. More importantly, it magnified my impact. It wasn’t sufficient just to speak—I had to ensure I was heard.

“Linnita teaches  tools that leaders can use to improve their communication by understanding what  body language conveys. She certainly empowered an awareness in our staff to own and grow  our leadership communication style.”

University of Phoenix Golden Key, President

Jennifer Fauque

From Clashes to Consensus: Mastering Conflict Communication


With research suggesting that a staggering 80% of employees shy away from crucial workplace conversations, it's clear that the ability to approach sensitive topics with tact and understanding is a skill of immense value.

  • Leaders seeking to navigate workplace conflicts with finesse and reinforce a culture of open dialogue.
  • Professionals who want to handle challenging conversations with poise and elevate their problem-solving skills.
  • Team members looking to transform potential confrontations into constructive exchanges and strengthen team dynamics.

This program is perfect for: 

Navigating tough discussions is an integral part of effective communication, yet it's often the most daunting.

Best Public Speaking Coach Linnita Hosten
  • Leaders seeking to elevate their executive presence, engage in meaningful dialogue, and lead with genuine conviction.

  • Professionals are eager to boost their influence and seize opportunities for career advancement.

  • Team members aspiring to polish their communication skills for deeper, more authentic connections with colleagues.

This program is perfect for: 

Elevating Vocal Value: Transforming Communication into Leadership

Cultivate leadership capabilities from within, guiding junior team members to blossom into senior leaders.

Linnita helps aspiring leaders develop a robust communication skillset, encouraging emerging talents to confidently present and assert their ideas and perspectives.

Public Speaking Workshops with Linnita Hosten

Every keynote includes a supplemental learning guide to encourage partipants to practice the keynote concepts learned.

Keep the Impact Going

Vocal Value Learning Materials by Linnita Hosten

We will work with you

to integrate a custom supplemental learning guide into your post-event planning.

Tips to Improve Public Speaking with Linnita Hosten
Vocal Value for Leaders: Developing Confidence, Presence and Impact

Beyond the scope of their titles, executives and senior leaders must embody the essence of their roles in both speech and presence.

This Program is perfect for: 

  • Professionals are motivated to articulate their ideas, objectives, and strategies effectively to colleagues and external parties.

  • Leaders looking to create a culture of trust within their teams, among peers, and with executive management.

  • Individuals aspiring to step into senior leadership positions or engage in high-profile opportunities.

Communication Skills Training with Linnita Hosten

I didn’t realize it back then, but as my speaking and coaching career grew, it became clear that my journey was more than personal growth—it was a blueprint so impactful that it could empower anyone to learn how communication can be used as a tool to unlock their true potential, bridge divides, and lead with conviction in any arena of life.

My approach to communication is an art form. Whether it’s bridging divides in the face of conflict, conveying ideas with unshakeable conviction, presenting with undeniable power and presence, or securing clients with ease, I’m here to teach that words matter and so do the people who are speaking them.

Chat with Linnita

About Your Event

Which service are you interested in?

Linnita encourages organizations to supplement the keynote experience with post-event learning via micro learning modules.

Post-Event Continued Development

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We can tailor

a custom series of micro-learning videos for your staff or leadership team.

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